Hilferuf von Tierfreunden aus Mazedonien Bitte protestieren und verbreiten! Quelle: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200390808806783&set=o.363725540304160&type=1&theater PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE THIS!!! I am sending you this massage about what is going on in my country, Macedonia, with pit bull fights. The authorities already know about the problem and no one is doing anything about it. We think that the police has something to do with it, because they know this Albanian people who are organizing the fights, they have there names and they know how they look like. Please shear it. Let the world see what my Govermant does`nt. Lets make a pressure, so thay might do something about it. This is one of the pictures in there facebook profiles. This is happening right now in city Struga. Here`s the link of those pages. http://www.facebook.com/PitbullStrugaMk?ref=ts&fref=ts http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pitbullat-Ne-Shqiperi-Shitblerje-Kafshesh/533949196628372?ref=ts&fref=ts There are a lot of videos with pit bull fighting. On some of them you can see the faces of this monsters! They didnt even try to hide there names. PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE THIS!!! Mazedonische Botschaft (Embassy of Macedonia): Deutschland: berlin@mfa.gov.mk Schweiz: makedamb@bluewin.ch mission.macedonia@itu.ch Aussenministerium von Macedonien: http://www.mfa.gov.mk/?q=node%2F395&language=en-gb | ||
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