New in Zurich

Milos Zikic

Neuer Benutzer
09. Aug. 2011
Hello everyone!!

My name is Milos (23), and I am from Serbia. I am starting my Master studies at ETH in September, so as a consequence I am going to move in Zurich.

I love dogs all my life and I am very interested (and successful) in dog training in the last 4-5 years. I've worked mainly with Rottweilers and Dobermanns. My work is focused on obedience, but I am learning other things such as protection, agility etc.

Is there anyone who lives near train station and who is will to allow me to take his or her dog for a walk. I would also love to train your dogs. I am asking for this, because dogs with which I work here is going to miss me so much, and I will not have the conditions in Zurich to have a pet.

Here is video of the training in building with my favorite dog, called Hogar:

P.S. Feel free to write your replies in German, I have automatic translation.


Milos :)

In english or in german, what ever you want :D

herzlich willkommen im Forum und in der Schweiz

Hi Milos,

welcome at!

I hope you'll feel home in Zurich soon and have a good time at ETH.

And now, lots and lots of questions :D

I don't think one can see very much of HOW you're training the dogs in the video, would you mind talking about that a little bit? What methods do you use? Have you had any training yourself, for being an "official" dog trainer? Just because you say that you work with different dogs. And of course, if you say "successful", what d'you mean by that? :)

Have you had an own dog in Serbia, or did you just walk and work with other people's? Must be hard to leave these buddies behind, I just studied abroad for 3 months without my dog and I missed her like crazy.. So I hope you'll find "goddogs" here in Switzerland!

Anyways, welcome, and I hope you don't mind all the questions!

Thank everyone for warm welcome!!! :)

I posted video just to introduce my favorite dog, not to show quality of my training. In addition to that, I would love now to post one photo of us in the attachment.

Anne, your questions are very logical and I am glad you've asked me for those information, I do not mind at all.

First of all, I am not a professional dog trainer, but my goal is to be one one day! I believe that with the talent and hard work, everything is reachable.

Second, I am learning from Jovica Zakonovic, best dog trainer in former Yugoslavia. Almost everything that I know, I've learned from him. I am also using other sources such as books and Leeburgs DVDs (and other video tutorials). But I like the most to learn from a practice with a dog.

Third, the base of my work are positive and negative reinforcements. I believe that those two must come together. Of course, every dog is individual and require in some way a specific approach, and a good dog trainer must find that approach.

Fourth, I've manly work with other people's dogs, because of my private problems which are not relevant now. I could say that Hogar is my first dog, I've lived with him for two years, because his owners have had problems and I've temporary "adopted" him.

In the end, I could say that I am not an amateur, but also I am not a professional. I am somewhere in between, and I am learning everyday :)


Anhang anzeigen 31072011959_resize_resize.jpg

Have fun at the hundi-board... I've activated your account.

Surely there are some of us speaking and writing English but don't be too disappointed if some will have trouble with the language. :)

As soon as you've 'arrived' a little you could think about adding a note to the Migros-black board for example. But I admit that I have no clue about insurance and other stuff in case something happens. You might want to try and find out... somehow. Sorry for not being any help at this. :D

Cheers, Nora

Welcome Milos...

Zurich is a very very nice City :thumbsup: Where do you exactly live in Serbia? I've been once in Nis at my friends wedding ;) that's why I am asking...

and regarding a dog to train.. I can not offer you this, but you can join me and my husband for a walk with thombhu if you want to..and no my thombhu is not a rottweiler ;)

all the best,

hello milos

welcome to the forum.

i'm not living in zurich, so i can't help you with a dog for training or walk.
maybe you visit an animal shelter and ask there if you can help with the dogs and go for a walk or more?

Thanks everyone again :)

kiiwi, I like the idea with an animal shelter, maybe I could help some poor animal... I am sure that that dog will appreciate my effort.

tenam, I grew up in Bor, but I studied in Belgrade. I have lots of cousins in South Serbia, so as I consequence I've been to Nis many, many times. It is very nice city and I love it very much. How do you like Serbia? It is not a rich country, but it has many beautiful things which one could love :) I would love to meet you and your dog of course...I will send you message when I move to Zurich.

Nora, could you explain to me what did you mean when you wrote this, I did not understand very well:
"As soon as you've 'arrived' a little you could think about adding a note to the Migros-black board for example."

What is Migros black-board? Is it some kind of advertisement black-board?


Migros is one of the Swiss supermarkets - it (and others) has a black board close to the entrance where people advertise stuff.

But actually I like kiiwis idea way more. :)

[QUOTE='Milos Zikic]What is Migros black-board? Is it some kind of advertisement black-board?
[/QUOTE]migros is a supermarket in switzerland. there you have in the entrance a board where you can pin up an advertisment :) so other people who read your message can contact you...
you are very welcome to this forum and i wish you lots of fun with us here :thumbsup:

The idea with Migros is also very interesting, I suppose that I could find someone in that way.

My biggest problem is that I do not know Swiss laws, but I know that people respect them. I just do not want to get penalty ticket :( Are laws allow me to walk other people's dogs, can they be unleashed, must they have a dog bucket? There are many questions on which I do not know answers, but I think you will help me :) But I suppose, that there are many professional dog walkers - handlers in Switzerland, so I think that my idea is OK.

Nora, is your dog working-bloodline German Shepherd? I've never work with them, and it is my dream to see one on the field.

This one crazy Dobermann called Cherry. She is small girl, but has the biggest drive for a ball that I've ever seen. She hurt herself today on a broken glass, so we did not train today :( This is yesterday picture...

Anhang anzeigen cherry.jpg

:D So funny... No, actually he is a mix of Saarloos Wolfhound and long haired German Sheperd. But it seems he looks exactly like working line German Sheperd.

So, in case you just want to see what they look like, meet Anti... In case you want to know how they are NOT in personality, meet Anti. Otherwise I can't help you. :D

I'm not sure but I think you'd have to have the so called "small animal keeper" education to officially walk dogs. I'll try to find out... but now -> going for a dog walk. :)
Nora, I've seen Anti's blog and his pictures...I would definitely love to meet him, and of course you! He is very pretty animal...I hope he likes aporting :)

Please find me information about 'small animal keeper', I am very interested! It's not urgent, I am moving to Zurich in September. I would search for myself, but I do not know where to start.

Cheers and feel free to write in German!

Laluna, thanks for help! I will contact them by email, and share with your their answer.

I think that one of the solutions should be this shelter, for several reasons:
1. I will help some poor animal and it will know to respect that,
2. I will have a chance to work with all kinds of dogs and their different personalities, and I think that this is very important for my education as a dog trainer,
3. The shelter is near my new school and that is great, because I do not know Zurich at all


[QUOTE='Milos Zikic]I hope he likes aporting :)
[/QUOTE]Nope - actually, he is not very interested in humans anyway. :D