New in Zurich

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[quote name='catba'' date=''index.php?page=Thread&postID=293983#in diesem Forum wird Deutsch gesprochen ;)

Das wollte ich gerade auch schreiben, unsere Muttersprache ist ja auch nicht erlaubt, Englisch aber schon???

Och Leute das ist nicht Fair. Nur weil jemand kein deutsch kann, soll er nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Klar ists etwas Mühsam da nicht jeder englisch kann aber Milos hat ja im Moment keine andere Wahl, ich zieh meinen Hut vor ihm denn ich würde mich ehrlich gesagt nicht trauen. Immerhin schreibt er auf englisch denn in seiner Muttersprache hätten 99% keine ahnung was er schreibt. In englisch gehts schon relativ gut. Bitte nicht so engstirnig. Vielleicht ist er gerade am deutsch lernen, traut sich aber nicht die Sprache schon anzuwenden. Ganz ehrlich, wie würdet ihr euch fühlen? Ich bitte um etwas mehr akzeptanz, jeder hat die gleichen Chancen verdient.

tut mir leid, mein englisch ist sehr sehr schlecht (falls jemnd übersetzen will, der soll dies gerne tun). Ich heisse dich hier willkommen. Wenn du dich weiterbilden möchtent zum Thema Hund und du dir in englisch momentan noch leichter tust, google nach Kursen von Sheila Harper und Sally Askew. Beide sind mehrmals im Jahr in der Schweiz. Ihre Kurse sind sehr lehrreich und werden in englisch abgehalten ;)


[QUOTE='Levy]Das wollte ich gerade auch schreiben, unsere Muttersprache ist ja auch nicht erlaubt, Englisch aber schon???
[/QUOTE]er hat ja am anfang geschrieben dass wir auch in deutsch schreiben können und er es dann übersetzt mit einem tool...

daher könnt ihr ihm ja auch auf deutsch schreiben und müsst nicht in englisch antworten.

für die die den englischen text nicht verstehen gibts übrigens auch die möglichkeit es von englisch nach deutsch übersetzen zu lassen:


People, everything is OK, there isn't any problem with the language barrier. I am using Google Chrome and it translates whole page from German to English automatically (menus, your posts, etc.). Feel free to write in German, I read everything. There is no problem, as long as you have the will to read my posts in English.

Sincerely, I would love more to read and write in German, but know only few words. But, I am planning to start learning your language next week, so there is a hope :)

Jade, can you tell me more about Sheila Harper and Sally Askew? Do you have some experience with them? Also, are you dog trainer? I've read some topic on this forum some time ago and I think that I saw your avatar and it was written that you are certified dog trainer!? I am right? If so, I would love to share my experience with you...


Milos :thumbsup:

Thank you for your answers! :thumbsup: Do you mainly train dogs for trials in one special sport or for "everyday capability" as well?

And, on a different note: A very good and efficient way to learn a language is by exposure to it. Reading is a good start (I'll try to write in German to you from now on, but as I love the English language so much I can barely stop myself from writing in it :D :D ), and try to watch movies and TV series in German as well. You'll understand zilch at the beginning, but with subtitles and regularity, you'll get the hang of it and it will really help you understand and use the spoken language! :)


@all: Wer kein Englisch kann oder es zu mühsam findet: Überlest seine Beiträge, auf Fragen von ihm gibts genug Leute, die trotzdem antworten können. Ich finde es klasse, dass er sich angemeldet hat und er ist genauso willkommen, wie alle anderen!
Es gibt genug Leute hier, die auch schlecht Deutsch können und schreiben. Die lasst ihr ja auch sein. Er kann kein Deutsch und möchte trotzdem Leute kennenlernen und sich integrieren. Also helft ihm dabei oder lasst ihn einfach in Ruhe! Darüber diskutiere ich definitiv nicht weiter.

Hey Milos,

try to translate this site to learn more about the dogwalker education:

Sorry, I'm not too much into the topic - maybe you want to contact them to find out more.

Oder: Hat hier irgendwer einen Tipp, was Milos tun muss, damit er offiziell im Kanton Zürich Hunde spazieren führen darf? Einfach so geht das ja nicht, wenn ich das richtig sehe...

:laughingmyassoff: don't worry, I can speak english and do understand almkst everything. I was in the US for a few month. So please don't worry about my post...

welcome :thumbsup:

It's a good idea to walk and work with some shelter dogs.

People please calm down... If someone wants to help, he or she is welcome, and if some feel uncomfortable to communicate in English, he or she can skip this topic. Simple as that. We are all here because of dogs, not because languages, different cultures etc.

Anne, I do not know how to answer your question. I have had lots of problems, not with dogs, but with their owners. Many, many times have happen that a dog learn something from me, and it's owner, thanks to his 'knowledge', spoil everything. I am really tired of fixing other people's faults. Because of that I did not have opportunity to compete with some dog which I've trained. I am going to buy working line German Shepherd in next September - October. I need proper dog, and more important, my dog! So in conclusion, I've been forced to do just training for everyday life.
Thanks for your advice for the language, but I need to rest little more from studding, I am really tired. I've mainly learned English from movies and series, so I am familiar with the principle which you've described.

Matti Niina and Leavy, thanks for your support, it means to me!

Nora, thank you very much for the link, I will look that web site tomorrow...I am so sleepy right now :sleeping: I think that we will solve problem with your help!

talking animals, I think also, and as time is passing by, I am sure that that will be the right choice. Everyone will be happy, the dogs and me. And I will have a chance to choose dog with (I hope) proper pray and food drives.

Greetings from Serbia! :thumbsup:

Nora, despite problems with Chrome and its translation, I've looked web site which address you gave to me. I think that those courses are not right thing for me. I've concluded (not sure), that this education is for beginners. What do you think? Thank you very much for your help.

Could somebody please answer next question. What document do I need to walk with a dog in Zurich? Is there some kind of licence or something similar?

Here in Serbia, I only need a leash and the documentation that the dog is vaccinated. Optional, if a dog is big, I need a dog bucket.

Cheers :)

In Switzerland you'll even have to take the same beginner course with every new dog you have. It doesn't matter how much experience you have and how many dogs you'd had in your lifetime. The link I postet is the eduction only for dogwalkers accepted by Kanton Zürich - which doesn't care at all how much experience you've got from what you do in Serbia. :) Unless you have a bunch of official certificates - but then, you'd have to ask them.

In these things, Switzerland is probably much more complicated and regulated than Serbia. Be prepared. :D

Nora, you are right, Switzerland is much, much more complicated and regulated then Serbia, but I hope I will adopt.

I did not understand everything quite well, so I will ask you next:

For every new dog that I own, I will have to take same beginner course if I want to walk with him on streets, BUT if I want to be a dog walker (and that's what I want) I need to have to take only one course?


If you own a dog, you'll have to do an theoretical course (in case it's your first dog) before getting the dog, and a practical course within one year after you got the dog (everybody).

Dogwalkers need a more thorough education according to the site. It all refers in parts to this regulation (see Chapter 4):

"1. Abschnitt: Haltung und Betreuung von Haustieren und private Haltung und Betreuung von Wildtieren

Art. 30 Lernziel

Das Ziel der Ausbildung nach Artikel 31 Absatz 4 oder 85 Absatz 3 TSchV muss sein, dass die Tierhalterin oder der Tierhalter beziehungsweise die für die Tierbetreuung verantwortliche Person die Grundsätze der tiergerechten Haltung kennt.

Art. 31 Form und Umfang

Die Ausbildung erfolgt in Form eines Kurses oder eines Praktikums. Der Kurs umfasst mindestens fünf Stunden Theorie, das Praktikum mindestens drei Wochen Mitarbeit bei der Betreuung der Tiere in einer Tierhaltung.

Art. 32 Inhalt

Die Ausbildung vermittelt Grundkenntnisse oder praktische Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Rechtsgrundlagen, artspezifische Bedürfnisse der Tiere, Tierbetreuung, Fütterung, Gestaltung der Haltungsumwelt sowie Aufzucht von Jungtieren."

The former link offers exactly this education if I understand that correctly. As I said - you should contact them as soon as you're here. I know that there are people walking dogs 'inofficially' - but blackening people is quite common in Switzerland... especially if you're a foreigner. Many people have especially prejudices against Eastern Europeans - even in a city like Zurich. So I wouldn't risk anything on this behalf - go ahead and get into contact with those people up there. Most probably the staff at animall shelters will also know what to do. I am really sorry that I can't help you any more. :)

You've helped me very much!!!

I've send email to that organization and now I am waiting for a reply. I will share their response with you here.

I just hope that the course for a dog walker isn't expensive, because I will not have much money in Switzerland. In the end, average salary here in Serbia is only 300 euros, so you get my point.

I also hope that animal shelter will have understanding for me and that they won't be so strict. I wouldn't be logical to stop love between a man and a dog, just become some papers.

P.s. I understand prejudices against Eastern Europeans, I do not support them, but i understand them...but this is the subject of another topic.

Hello Milos,

welcome here :) . I do hope that you soon find a dog to take on a walk. Unfortunately I cannot help as I do not live in the Zurich area.

Concerning prejudices against Eastern Europe I do not have the impression that this is really bad here. However, the rather complicated and bureaucratic laws are mainly the result of one or two really terrible bite accidents where kids were involved a few years ago. So, the official departments try to educate the population regardless of their dog experience. Just for a better understanding ;) .